Liquid Humus

LIQUID HUMUS is a humic acid concentrate manufactured by a unique patented process which extracts humic acid from undecomposed peat naturally without using of caustic chemical process.

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Guaranteed Analysis
Humic Acid…… 12%

LIQUID HUMUS is a humic acid concentrate manufactured by a unique patented process which extracts humic acid from undecomposed peat naturally without using of caustic chemical process.

LIQUID HUMUS improves microbial growth in soils to produces “healthy living soil”. This will allow the crops to withstand stress conditions such as moisture and nutrient stress, transplant chock, and improve seed germination and seedling vigor.

80ml-100ml per 16ltr / knapsack. 1ltr per 200ltr / 1drum. Maintenance every 12-14 days from Budding Stages